The Nobody by Jeff Lemire

A short small town story about a sad and lonely invisible man, a botched experiment, a typical mad scientist fiasco, a lineman roaming snowy streets and a local teenage girl growing up and becoming friends with the fellow.

Beautiful art by Jeff Lemire, as always – but overall, that's just a trifle, which lacks intensity and depth of Lemire's other graphic novels, especially Essex County.

30 minutes and done.


Roughneck by Jeff Lemire

A beautifully composed and well paced a small town tough guy story written and drawn by Jeff Lemire, high contrast black and white colored in various shades of blue.

A short gripping tale, this one. Artistic merits outweigh complexity of the story 3 to 1. Yet, for me, it was a total page turner for one hour. No wonder some call Lemire the Stephen King of comic books, all thanks to the way he keeps you glued to the pages.

Like 'em when they're like this.


Essex County by Jeff Lemire

A brilliant, thick in pages, but fast in page turning, melodramatic family remembrance story, going across the span of four generations of various Essex County, Ontario, residents.
This is indeed the best of Jeff Lemire's work, better than his commercially successful serialized Sweet Tooth and latest and much less commercial The Underwater Welder.
In a sense, Essex County is a perfect gateway book for those not familiar with “serious” no-superheroes-kind of graphic novels, on par with Art Spiegelman's world-acclaimed Maus, Jason Lutes' Berlin, Alison Bechdel's Fun Home and different stuff by other prominent Canadian comic book writers like Chester Brown, Seth, and Joe Matt.
Funny enough, as I predicted, this book is full of hockey – plucks flying in and out of frozen lakes and NHL ice rinks, fists punching faces. But still, it's main theme is family, family that matters most – and how it is never late to care and forgive.

Lost Dogs by Jeff Lemire

On one end, a disturbing story with a morbid looking drawing style of red, black and white only. Easy to guess, why red. On the other, though, I’d say – nothing too entertaining.
I need to read Essex County, though. Looks like a must read, now that I’ve read both Sweet Tooth and The Underwater Welder. Bought it already, just need to move to page one of this 500+ something beauty.

Sweet Tooth by Jeff Lemire

A nice post apocalyptic story by Jeff Lemire, author of The Underwater Welder, published in 40 short comic book volumes. Commercial, I know, but still quite nice.

Somehow I liked the first half of the 40 volumes better than the other one – I guess, it has to do with mysteries. Don't know about you, but I prefer some mysteries not to be explained and solved in books, films, etc. As the unknown and the unexplained typically “sells” much better than poorly patched storylines.

Gods coming to earth, huh. Sweet Jesus.


The Underwater Welder by Jeff Lemire

This is the first “serious” non-serialized graphic novel I've bought for kindle. Never read Jeff Lemire's work before (not Essex County, not the mainstream DC or Vertigo stuff).
The art is great, if you ask me. The storyline is intriguing as well – a diver making peace with his drowned diver dad and with his life in parallel, while he's about to become a father himself. Flashback over flashback over flashback.
Maybe, if I were a diver myself, I could've related myself a bit more to some of the things here – sadly (or luckily) I ain't one.
Many reviewers compare it to The Twilight Zone – my problem – I never watched the original TV series, I think I may have watched the mid-90s' movie ages ago and remember nothing, so hard to say whether it is indeed so.
Overall, definitely worth a read.